
Circforbio > Δικτύωση

LIFE22-CCM-EL-DIMITRA/101113253 – Valorising anaerobic digestates into bio-fertilisers for climate friendly agriculture. The LIFE DIMITRA project advances agricultural management by valorizing biogas digestate into high-value bio-based fertilizers, demonstrated through two DEMO installations in Greece and Italy, promising climate change mitigation, increased crop yield, and enhanced farm profitability with its cutting-edge technologies.

LIFE-IP CYzero WASTE/LIFE20 IPE/CY/000011-Intelligent monitoring and Efficient Waste Reduction in Cyprus Island. The LIFE-IP CYzero WASTE project aims to provide solutions and strategies for complying with the waste targets, as these are set in the EU directives, within the 8 years of its duration, while at the same time the results of its actions will be replicated in the country though the mobilization of funds from Structural Funds, the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) and other sources.

LIFE15 CCM/ES/000080 – Valorization of alcoholic wastes to produce H2 to be used in thesustainable generation of electricity. The ECOELECTRICITY LIFE project aims to design and construct a pilot plant to produce electricity using industrial purges containing impure ethanolic fractions from the distillation of bioethanol that have a low commercial value, due to their composition.

LIFE15 CCM/FR/000068 – Advanced Biodiesel in circular economy for low carbon public transports. The BIOHEC-LIFE project aims at exploiting used cooking oils (UCO) for the production of environmentally friendly biofuel while promoting the social economy sector.

LIFE13 ENV/ES/001115 – Valorization of pig carcasses through their transformation into biofuels and organic fertilizers. – The LIFE+ VALPORC project aims to demonstrate a process for the sustainable management of animal by-products from the pork industry, especially pig carcasses and manure. It seeks to exploit these waste products by transforming them into biofuels – biogas and biodiesel – and organic fertilisers, with resultant environmental and socio-economic benefits.

LIFE13 ENV/UK/001339 – Sustainable production of bio-methanol by bio-methane and biogene CO2 gas from organic waste and residues. The LIFE SynSpirit project aims at demonstrating a new anaerobic fermentation process through which organic waste streams and low quality crude glycerine are efficiently converted into high value bio-methanol.

LIFE11 ENV/ES/000585 – DEMONSTRATION OF A TOOL FOR THE EVALUATION AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE SUSTAINABILITY IN THE TRANSPORT SECTOR. The main objective of the ‘BIOLCA’ project is the demonstration of an innovative web-based tool that can identify the best options for the development of biofuel use in the transport sector. It will enable comparison in order to identify those options that offer a better performance in terms of environmental, social and economic impacts. It will also identify key points in the lifecycle of biofuels requiring targeted action to improve sustainability.

LIFE09 ENV/ES/000433 – Demonstration project on a new process for second-generation bio fuel production: bio ethanol from citrus flesh. The CITROFUEL project’s main objective was to develop a new process to improve the management and sustainable use of natural resources and waste from citrus fruit production. The project planned to construct and run an industrial prototype for producing bio-ethanol from the biomass waste generated in the production of animal food from citrus waste by means of a new fermentation process.

Other EU projects and platforms

101084405 – CRONUS HORIZON – Capture and reuse of biogenic gases for negative-emission – sustainable biofuels. CRONUS aims to address the current gaps in biofuels production, namely the carbon waste and biogenic effluent gases by testing 5 new integrated and sustainable technological solutions (Functional Prototypes) for highly efficient biogenic effluent gases CUS within the biofuels value chain.

BIOWASTE4SP – Turning biowaste into sustainable products: development of appropriate conversion technologies applicable in developing countries (funded under FP7-KBBE). The project was focused on the following: 1. The biowaste contents of carbohydrates, both starchy and lignocellulosic based were considered and evaluated as potential fermentation substrates for bioenergy carriers, chemicals, food/feed ingredient (e.g. amino acids, and protein) and compost. 2. The biowaste ash content was considered as a potential source for plant nutrients that could be used in fertilizers. 3. Proteins can be produced from biowaste sources. 4. Biowaste proteins were seen as a potential source for amino acids and proteins to be used in new food and feed applications. These mentioned products can substitute fossil-based chemicals and energy products and turn a waste problem (biowaste) onto a wide range of valuable products, thereby reducing Greenhouse gas emission with benefit to the climate.

IEA Bioenergy (Umbrella Organization – R&D Network – DATABASE) Task 39 – Commercializing Liquid Biofuel. Task 39 is a group of international experts working to commercialize sustainable transportation biofuels. Bioenergy and biofuels are important components within a country’s green energy portfolio. While there are numerous renewable energy options for heat and electricity generation, biofuels are currently the only means of displacing liquid fossil fuels such as gasoline, diesel, and aviation fuels. The Task has developed the advanced biofuel demoplant database which can be accessed at http://demoplants.bioenergy2020.eu/. CIRCforBIO can register into this platform in order to provide feedback to the database, widening the dissemination of the developed demonstrative technology and exchange information with other demo plants for liquid biofuels.

BIOETHANOL – A new method and system for real time fermentation process monitoring (funded under INTERREG 2007 – 2013 Hungary – Romania (HU-RO)). This project is improving a new more cost-effective way to produce bioethanol and offer solutions for producing more bioethanol which accomplish EU requirements to use gasoline with at least 4% bioethanol included. The general objective is to develop a novel method measurement technology in real time the carbohydrates hydrolysis and ethanol fermentation. The main activities of the project are: Investigation of fermentation and hydrolysis reaction in pure systems; Investigation of fermentation and hydrolysis reaction in real systems; Studies about exogene and endogene factors over  fermentation and hydrolysis reaction; Results interpretation, correlation and dissemination and the novel method validation; The target groups are the bioethanol manufactories, wineries and the agriculture sector.

BIOSKOH’s Innovation Stepping Stones for a novel European Second Generation BioEconomy (funded under BBI JU – Innovation Action – Flagship). BIOSKOH seeks to demonstrate that second generation bio-ethanol can be produced at a lower and more economically viable price with additional potential for further cost reduction in the current market context.