
4th Monitoring Visit. Tuesday 18th July, 2023. Lavrion Greece

July 18, 2023

LIFE CIRCforBIO / A circular economy system for multi-source biomass conversion to added value products. 4th Monitoring Visit (hybrid meeting). Tuesday 18th July, 2023. Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP) Athens, Greece.

Οn site visit to LIFE CircforBio circular economy system for multi source biomass conversion to added value products in the Technological and cultural park of Lavrio. Project monitor expert Mrs Sofia Papageorgiou, Prof. Loizidou, Dr D.Malamis, Dr. S. Mai, Dr El. Mparampouti, Dr K. Moustakas, researchers N. Kontogianni and K. Passadis from NTUA, Prof Asimakopoulos, Mrs An. Kapetanakou (SEVT), Mrs Palli & Papadopoulou (Mun. Of Lavrio), Mrs Dimou and Ampatzi from NEVIS.

Download the meeting agenda HERE.

Z Prime, LIFE CIRCforBIO partner presents the circ4bio platform which integrates and digitalises all stages and information of the innovative process during the project monitoring visit.