Presentation of the pilot to the ELEGTEC partners from Greece, Italy and Indonesia!
Presentation of the pilot system to the ELEGTEC Project Consortium partners from Greece, Italy and Indonesia. Researchers from the Unit of Environmental Science and Technology (UEST) of the National Technical University of Athens are presenting the CIRCforBIO pilot in Lavrio and the e-platform to representatives of the Erasmus+ funded project ELEGTEC: Enhancing sustainable and green leather technology in Indonesia.
CircforBio pilot site visit in Lavrio: HEC and IASIS
Researchers from the Unit of Environmental Science and Technology (UEST) of the National Technical University of Athens are presenting the pilot system to visitors from HEC and IASIS: Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (Horizon Europe project).
Presentation at the 8th Hellenic Solid Waste Management Association Conference
8th Hellenic Solid Waste Management Association Conference on September 19-20, 2024, at the National Technical University of Greece. Dr. Maria Loizidou presented the CIRCforBIO project, it’s scientific basis, it’s vision, and it’s results over the last years: the pilot and the e-platform.
Presentation at Sustainable Aviation Fuels conference, 7-8 November 2024
Professor Maria Loizidou presenting about “The role of Bio-Oil, Bioethanol and Algae for Sustainable Aviation Fuels – pathways developed within LIFE CIRCforBIO and HORIZON CRONUS”, during the Sustainable Aviation Fuels conference, 7-8 November 2024, Athens, Divani Palace Acropolis, organised by the Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES), under the auspices of the Hellenic …
Greek Federation of Food and Drink Industry visits the pilot in Lavrio
Professor Maria Loizidou and the researchers Sofia Mai, Elli Maria Barampouti, Konstantinos Passadis and Nikoleta Kontogianni from UNIT OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY (UEST) – NTUA are presenting the pilot system, based in Lavrio, and the e-platform to selected visitors from SEVT – Greek Federation of Food and Drink Industry.
Municipality of Lavreotiki visits the pilot
Researchers from the UNIT OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY (UEST) – NTUA presented the pilot system to citizens of the Municipality of Lavreotiki. The event was marked by the presence of the Vice Mayor, Stamatios Sinis.
Lavrion Pilot: Visitors from HELLENiQ ENERGY (ELPE) during Open Days
The researchers Sofia Mai, Konstantinos Passadis and Nikoleta Kontogianni from UNIT OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY – NTUA are presenting the pilot system and the e-platform to selected visitors from HELLENiQ ENERGY (ELPE)
Our 5th newsletter is published
The project’s newsletter #5 is now published and can be downloaded HERE.
CIRCforBIO Open Days!
CIRCforBIO open days! 2nd of July 2024 at Lavrion Technological & Cultural Park. The leader of our project Dimitris Malamis and the researchers Konstantinos Passadis and Nikoleta Kontogianni from UNIT OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY (UEST) – NTUA are presenting the pilot system and the e-platform to selected visitors representing the academia and the industry.
CIRCforBIO Final Conference took at Rhodes island, Greece.
Our final event is taking place as part of the 11th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, at Rhodes island. Full agenda at: Dimitris Malamis opens the event with the CIRCforBIO project Overview. Nikoleta Kontogianni presenting the CIRC4BIO platform: a powerful tool for promoting biomass valorisation. David Bolzonella on the Optimization of the …