3D Virtual Tour: Our pilot system in Lavrion Technological Park in Greece.

3D Virtual Tour: Our pilot system in Lavrion Technological Park in Greece. Visit the link for an interactive 360 virtual tour in our pilot biofuels biorefinery!
This prototype aims to valorise the carbon dioxide produced from three separate streams of an integrated biorefinery. This biorefinery constructed in the framework of Life CircforBio, is situated in Lavrion Culture and Technological Park (LCTP), Attica, Greece and treats several types of biowaste such as source separated food waste, brewery spent grains, spent coffee grounds, potato processing industry waste, orange juice industry waste etc. It has a daily capacity of 1tn wet feedstock. The main products are oil (raw material for biodiesel), bioethanol, biogas and digestate. The pilot includes the following process units: drying, oil extraction, ethanol production unit and anaerobic digestion.